The First 60 Days...
Your first 60 days are the most critical.
Whether you are a brand new agent or an experienced agent looking to make a "fresh start". These simple ideas might be just what you need to kick off 2009 on the right foot. Beginning to understand the complexities of real estate, absorbing training, seeking practical experience, making financial adjustment, investing in yourself, getting to know your fellow associates, the office routines, the psychology of listing and selling, learning your market, trying to understand financin- and finally handling successes as well as little setbacks. These are just some of the adjustments you will need to make and meet over the next 60 days.

Sound overwhelming? ----It certainly is…but the challenge is so exciting!
Below is a list of items that need to be addressed during this period of time.
* Becoming organized and scheduling your activities will help keep you on track and ensure success in a short period of time.
* Prioritize these items.
* Your "To Do" List Establishes a routine that you are in the office every day for a specified period of time, prepared to prospect.
* As soon as possible, make an appointment with your Manager and Administrative Manager to complete the necessary paperwork, forms and applications required by your company. Completing the paperwork sets all the wheels in motion to begin promoting your career and to become familiar with your office.
* Get your photo taken immediately by a professional photographer. In addition to your business cards, there are many other reasons you will need your photo – marketing pieces, web pages, blog sites, etc. It may be your first impression for many consumers so make sure it looks good.

* Attend an Orientation session with your local board of Realtors. This class will introduce you to the board, Multiple Listing Service, listing forms, services, etc.
* Prepare your briefcase or portable office. Have some home buyer packets and home owner packets with you at all times. You may wish to have some extra Consumer Guide to Agency Relationship Brochures and Buyer agreements. Always carry a yellow note pad, sample forms, highlighters, pens, etc. Take some time to familiarize yourself with your company’s packets for Buyers and Sellers. The material included in them is very well organized, but you will need to learn what the materials mean so that you may explain the forms to buyers and sellers.
* Prepare your car for business. Keep it clean and in good repair. Handy items to have available are flashlights, tissues, maps, note pads, mileage/expense book, etc. Remember, you will be spending a lot of time in your car.
* Practice using the MLS system or other versions of listing services (i.e. Loopnet, Co-Star). Sign up for classes at your local board to enhance your knowledge and become proficient with the MLS and various online tools it provides. Learn about the new computer hardware, palm devices, laptops etc, that can interface with the MLS outside the office.
* Find the builders and models in your market areas. Become familiar with the different builders and introduce yourself to them. They will be happy to help you and to explain the benefits of their products. Begin collecting floor plans and model location maps.Explore areas outside your market. Developing good relationships with these builders will enhance your sales ability and knowledge.
* Get an appointment book and start using it. You might try to plan a week in advance, knowing that alterations in schedules can always be made. Block out time each week for office and area meetings, special events, ongoing education, prospecting, planning sessions with your managers and open houses (at least 2 per month)-but, do not forget personal time.
* Determine what support tools work for you. Cell phones, mortgage calculators, laptop or desktop computer, electronic organizers, are just some of the choices of tools that can help you be efficient in your business. Most cell phones are “smart” these days and can do almost all of these activities with just one device. Set up a contact management system to keep track of your prospects. Become familiar with your office’s and your area’s inventory of available homes. Attend all office and area tours. Schedule previews prior to showing Buyers. Inventory knowledge will give you strength and credibility in dealing with prospects and clients. Stay current on what is available, what has gone into contract, and what has sold.
* Write your own personal profile and enter the information on your company website. If you’re not sure what to write about because your new, follow this idea – Search for an agent in two or three random cities where you’d like to visit. Pick Dallas, Miami, Atlanta or Seattle for example and find an agent you’d like to work with. Then ask yourself why you chose them? Was it because they were a fellow Commercial Realtor or maybe they went to the same college as you? Perhaps they are a fellow runner or they follow local sports team? Remember, people want to do business with people like them so don’t try to create a profile of what you want to be, write about who you are. Explore your company website and intranet/virtual office. Make sure you know what the public can do or see. It will make you that much more empathetic to their questions.
* Begin to develop your listing presentation and marketing plan. Practice them daily until the words become your own. Develop your prospecting plan. It is something that must be done on a daily basis for the rest of your career. There are many methods out there, but they all involve seeing people and talking to people.
* Write personal notes daily.
* Get involved in your community.
* Network with people as much as possible.
* Create a business and prospecting plan and share it as soon as you can with your Manager. Then….stick to it!
* Define your goals and equate them to your business plan. A defined “road map” will help you focus on what it is you need to do to realize your vision. Written, specific goals that are reduced to daily activities will give you direction for the future.
* Plan to invest some money in personal marketing. Explore cost effective ways to be visible in your community. Become a member of the board of a non-profit organization or volunteer for a community program. Ask for a press release about your community involvement.
* Practice everything-your presentations, negotiations and telephone dialogues, and forms. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. You will find a great deal of support from the sales associates in your office. Your Manager is there to help you with every step of the way.
* Arrange to attend any post-licensing courses that may be required by your state’s Division of Real Estate. It is usually easier to attend these classes before you get busy. You may also consider waiting until the next “slow season” in your market as you may have more experience to contribute during the session.
* Advance Your Knowledge You will never stop learning in this business. There are many books, audio CD's and DVD's to increase your knowledge. Make a commitment to listen to one CD or view a DVD each month.
* Also take advantage of any seminars that become available in the area.
*Add to your personal library. Here are a few book suggestions:
QBQ! - John Miller
Flipping the Switch – John Miller
The Present - Spencer Johnson
The Fred Factor – Mark Sanborn
The Difference Maker –John A. Maxwell
Innovate Like Edison – Gelb & Caldicott
Predictably Irrational – Dan Ariely
A Whole New Mind – Daniel Pink
The Real World of Selling Real Estate – Joe Klock
The Age of Speed – Vince Poscente
You, Inc.: The Art of Selling Yourself – Harry Beckwith
Blink! - Malcolm Gladwell
First Break All the Rules – Marcus Buckingham & Curt Coffman
Now, Discover Your Strengths – Marcus Buckingham & Donald Clifton
Mr. Shmooze – Richard Abraham
The Richest Man in Babylon – George Clason
The Complete Calvin & Hobbes – Bill Watterson
** Don’t be afraid to try. You will make mistakes, but each time you will learn something.
Whether you are a brand new agent or an experienced agent looking to make a "fresh start". These simple ideas might be just what you need to kick off 2009 on the right foot. Beginning to understand the complexities of real estate, absorbing training, seeking practical experience, making financial adjustment, investing in yourself, getting to know your fellow associates, the office routines, the psychology of listing and selling, learning your market, trying to understand financin- and finally handling successes as well as little setbacks. These are just some of the adjustments you will need to make and meet over the next 60 days.

Sound overwhelming? ----It certainly is…but the challenge is so exciting!
Below is a list of items that need to be addressed during this period of time.
* Becoming organized and scheduling your activities will help keep you on track and ensure success in a short period of time.
* Prioritize these items.
* Your "To Do" List Establishes a routine that you are in the office every day for a specified period of time, prepared to prospect.
* As soon as possible, make an appointment with your Manager and Administrative Manager to complete the necessary paperwork, forms and applications required by your company. Completing the paperwork sets all the wheels in motion to begin promoting your career and to become familiar with your office.
* Get your photo taken immediately by a professional photographer. In addition to your business cards, there are many other reasons you will need your photo – marketing pieces, web pages, blog sites, etc. It may be your first impression for many consumers so make sure it looks good.

* Attend an Orientation session with your local board of Realtors. This class will introduce you to the board, Multiple Listing Service, listing forms, services, etc.
* Prepare your briefcase or portable office. Have some home buyer packets and home owner packets with you at all times. You may wish to have some extra Consumer Guide to Agency Relationship Brochures and Buyer agreements. Always carry a yellow note pad, sample forms, highlighters, pens, etc. Take some time to familiarize yourself with your company’s packets for Buyers and Sellers. The material included in them is very well organized, but you will need to learn what the materials mean so that you may explain the forms to buyers and sellers.
* Prepare your car for business. Keep it clean and in good repair. Handy items to have available are flashlights, tissues, maps, note pads, mileage/expense book, etc. Remember, you will be spending a lot of time in your car.
* Practice using the MLS system or other versions of listing services (i.e. Loopnet, Co-Star). Sign up for classes at your local board to enhance your knowledge and become proficient with the MLS and various online tools it provides. Learn about the new computer hardware, palm devices, laptops etc, that can interface with the MLS outside the office.
* Find the builders and models in your market areas. Become familiar with the different builders and introduce yourself to them. They will be happy to help you and to explain the benefits of their products. Begin collecting floor plans and model location maps.Explore areas outside your market. Developing good relationships with these builders will enhance your sales ability and knowledge.
* Get an appointment book and start using it. You might try to plan a week in advance, knowing that alterations in schedules can always be made. Block out time each week for office and area meetings, special events, ongoing education, prospecting, planning sessions with your managers and open houses (at least 2 per month)-but, do not forget personal time.
* Determine what support tools work for you. Cell phones, mortgage calculators, laptop or desktop computer, electronic organizers, are just some of the choices of tools that can help you be efficient in your business. Most cell phones are “smart” these days and can do almost all of these activities with just one device. Set up a contact management system to keep track of your prospects. Become familiar with your office’s and your area’s inventory of available homes. Attend all office and area tours. Schedule previews prior to showing Buyers. Inventory knowledge will give you strength and credibility in dealing with prospects and clients. Stay current on what is available, what has gone into contract, and what has sold.
* Write your own personal profile and enter the information on your company website. If you’re not sure what to write about because your new, follow this idea – Search for an agent in two or three random cities where you’d like to visit. Pick Dallas, Miami, Atlanta or Seattle for example and find an agent you’d like to work with. Then ask yourself why you chose them? Was it because they were a fellow Commercial Realtor or maybe they went to the same college as you? Perhaps they are a fellow runner or they follow local sports team? Remember, people want to do business with people like them so don’t try to create a profile of what you want to be, write about who you are. Explore your company website and intranet/virtual office. Make sure you know what the public can do or see. It will make you that much more empathetic to their questions.
* Begin to develop your listing presentation and marketing plan. Practice them daily until the words become your own. Develop your prospecting plan. It is something that must be done on a daily basis for the rest of your career. There are many methods out there, but they all involve seeing people and talking to people.
* Write personal notes daily.
* Get involved in your community.
* Network with people as much as possible.
* Create a business and prospecting plan and share it as soon as you can with your Manager. Then….stick to it!
* Define your goals and equate them to your business plan. A defined “road map” will help you focus on what it is you need to do to realize your vision. Written, specific goals that are reduced to daily activities will give you direction for the future.
* Plan to invest some money in personal marketing. Explore cost effective ways to be visible in your community. Become a member of the board of a non-profit organization or volunteer for a community program. Ask for a press release about your community involvement.
* Practice everything-your presentations, negotiations and telephone dialogues, and forms. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. You will find a great deal of support from the sales associates in your office. Your Manager is there to help you with every step of the way.
* Arrange to attend any post-licensing courses that may be required by your state’s Division of Real Estate. It is usually easier to attend these classes before you get busy. You may also consider waiting until the next “slow season” in your market as you may have more experience to contribute during the session.
* Advance Your Knowledge You will never stop learning in this business. There are many books, audio CD's and DVD's to increase your knowledge. Make a commitment to listen to one CD or view a DVD each month.
* Also take advantage of any seminars that become available in the area.
*Add to your personal library. Here are a few book suggestions:
QBQ! - John Miller
Flipping the Switch – John Miller
The Present - Spencer Johnson
The Fred Factor – Mark Sanborn
The Difference Maker –John A. Maxwell
Innovate Like Edison – Gelb & Caldicott
Predictably Irrational – Dan Ariely
A Whole New Mind – Daniel Pink
The Real World of Selling Real Estate – Joe Klock
The Age of Speed – Vince Poscente
You, Inc.: The Art of Selling Yourself – Harry Beckwith
Blink! - Malcolm Gladwell
First Break All the Rules – Marcus Buckingham & Curt Coffman
Now, Discover Your Strengths – Marcus Buckingham & Donald Clifton
Mr. Shmooze – Richard Abraham
The Richest Man in Babylon – George Clason
The Complete Calvin & Hobbes – Bill Watterson
** Don’t be afraid to try. You will make mistakes, but each time you will learn something.
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